Final full day half spent on issues to do with the Maize Mill and the other half spent at Stephen Jota Children's Centre.

Term starts next Monday and the site is looking pristine. The new kitchen is complete. Gutters are repaired. There is a good feel to the place. The MDD day was a great success and those who took part have been invited to perform to the Kabaka (King of Buganda)
Very glad to attend a board meeting. These are the directors moving the school in the right direction.

One of the cooks preparing food for the P7 students who have spent most of their holiday revising at school. (They love beans!)

This has been an encouraging trip. So many in the country are struggling but there are pockets of hope that are testament to the deep joyful faith that sustains so many. Nsumbi Trust continues to fine tune it's involvement so that our support is as effective as possible.
Tip of the day. Visit this country if you can!